Tuesday, January 04, 2005

New Year's Resolutions

(OK, enuf negative posts. Let's ramble some more before I go and buy some cat fud... )

For some strange reason I make promises to myself that I find very hard to keep. Maybe I have high expectations, or I'm a bit of a perfectionist? Nah, lazy fecker. That's what I am.

Anyway on the 4th day of 2005 I have created a list of things -- call them New Year's Resolutions if you wish. Well, here goes:

  1. Drink less.
  2. Move the Drunken Wench Ramblings to its new "whine" cellar *before* the end of the year. (yes, I am *that* inefficient; also not going to stress myself so am giving myself loads of time to finish this one)
  3. Get out more, and don't stand up my friends' invitations.
  4. Read more non-fiction. (need variety in my reading materials)
  5. Talk to more strangers - especially cute men.
  6. Learn to be more tidy. (e.g. not drop my towel on the floor after I come out of the shower)
  7. Get laid more (*at least* 4 times... that's on average once every 3 months. Not too ambitious on this resolution, coz I have a feeling that this one has the highest probability of not being fulfilled.. I suppose this one is related to resolution #3. N' get rid of the "Da Nun" nickname.)
  8. Keep my weight constant (have less than 5% body weight fluctuations)
  9. Move out of my mother's place (otherwise she *really* would drive me straight to the funny farm!)
  10. Stay in touch with my friends who live abroad more frequently (I'm really bad with people who do not have IM... Oh, and I'm really attrocious with my "blanket" spam-like emails to friends.)
  11. Spend more time with my cats. (and to always make sure that the kitty-gritty and Belle's favorite canned cat fud is always in stock.)
  12. Have some form of "balance" in my life (I'm a bit of a "hobby" junkie...)
  13. Learn to always put my house keys back in the "right" place (also related to resolution #6. For some strange reason my belongins have a habit of growing legs, and going on a little "walkabout")
  14. Sort out my library. (I have over 1000 "manga" comics, nearly 500 books (I think?) and I have only one bookshelf. My reading materials are usually scattered in a *neat* pile on the floor, but the cats have a habit of distroying my "book towers" -- frequently. Resolution also kind of related to #6. Shit, I'm really messy!)
  15. Learn to be a "good" sleeper (get into the habit of "winding down" i.e. blog less in the evenings, coz writing at 3/4am when I have a full time job is probably not too good for my health.)
  16. Take more holidays than last year (I had only 2 weeks off...)
  17. Enroll in a private pension fund (so I can plan an early retirement, and not have to worry about my spending habits, which brings me to the next resolution =>)
  18. Keep an eye on my finances (why is it that I have no savings when I am 31? Coz I spend money on something. I know it's not shopping, coz I hate shopping -- but I have no idea where my money disapears to.... DWR's money heaven, mayby?? Oh shit! it's the monthly facials, waxing, spa treatments, reflexology, hobbies, holidays, books, CDs, trinkets for the house, and running "expenses" when I go on business trips.... but even so? I have a fat pay cheque, why? where?)
  19. Work hard, play even harder!! (which probably already has broken previous resolution... oops!)

I think that's about if for now. I'm sure most of these would be broken before the end of the month, but hey -- what are "rules" there for apart from being broken, right?


Anonymous said...

Hey! You. Yeah, you, you prodigiously prolific professor of prankish pragmatic prose. Would you get to sleep sometime, pls!? Some of us worry 'bout you losin' all those fingerprints (not to mention what pickled mind is left) - we'd never be able to tell who you were if you lost those... :) Why do you insist on making so many promises you won't keep - you know you won't and we know you won't.

Drunken Wench Rambler said...

I know, I know... but it's the spirit of *trying* something, and even accomplishing one, or maybe a half of a promise.

And yes, I will try to go to bed a little bit earlier... anyway, what R U doing up so late???

(BTW, no alcohol today. so far, so good!)

Anonymous said...

You are such the happy, Meloncholy. Has Taylor-tucky and MI in general decided to be nice in the winter!? :) Have to admit that at least where you are there is still land with a place and people say 'hi'. You are such a cheery, Da Drunken One needs more friends like you - she's so serious sometimes.

Drunken Wench Rambler said...

Cummon, anonymous one, I'm not that serious, am I? I try to "balance" *cough, cough* things out.... but yes, I see serious shit, but try to convey it in a more humourous manner... unless it's fucking serious, and even the DWR is not going to make a joke out of it.

It's that moon in my Pisces and my mercury in Scorpio that I blame it on!!! The only thing that keeps the shit together, and make out the seriousness is an earth sign affecting my charts -- my ascendant in Capricorn. You know me, read the discription, and you'll go: " oh yeah, that's soooo the DWR!!

(oh, and why do I look so seriously at astrology, reproductive physiology, endocrine systems, and plantes alignments?? You may have a hint to an upcoming post....)

when I get there -- eventually

Ouija27 said...

OK if you must make resolutions, do not think of them as rules so much, but more as guidlines. That way if and when they do get broken, you will not get do down on yourself.
Like you said it is the spirit of trying that counts here I guess, but I do suggest you give up trying to give up, it is a thing of beauty... let me tell you.

Drunken Wench Rambler said...

oh, but, o, if they were mere guidelines where's the fun in "breaking" them? I enjoy fucking and bending the rules, that's why I make them in the first place. There is a little naughty imp inside of me that constantly says:"prove it, see if you can do it" and I *love* showing that li'l imp where to shove it's rules and fucking regulations!!

Rules are there to be bent, challenged, and moulded in a different form, don't you think? Otherwise the world would be static and boring....

New Years' Resolutions? Pah, only there to be gone by Valentine's day! The faster, the better! Shows that I am being creative about rule-bending. Almost like a game of chess with me, I suppose?!

Ouija27 said...

Well as I stated in the comment I just posted on the other post... Yes your correct. There is much fun in rationalizing out some rule you made up in order to break it or bend it. I like to do it, and I know of this imp you talk about... mousey does not like the imp and they fight, but I usually side with the mouse... it knows all, or quite a bit at least and I trust my fate in the mouses hand... know what I mean?