Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Out of Office Reply...

I'm back in my suit tomorrow. Blank face, sober times, switching from C2H5OH (ethanol) as a choice of beverage to coffee...

(I don't know how many tripple shot soy latte's I will have tomorrow morning.)

Feeling tad blue. I have *no* idea how many "Out of Office Reply's" I will be receiving this month from colleagues who just never returned from their holidays in "Paradise", which turned into a holiday of historic catastrophy coz of the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean.

Unable to turn off their "Out of Office Reply". Forever.


Out of office reply. I will be out of the office from...


Anonymous said...

Not that it changes anything, but some of us are just happy that your (trim) arse wasn't one of those lost and that we aren't getting an 'out of the office' reply from your blog at the mo. Thanks for caring, M. That n' drink a double mocha for me (a bit chilly and damp here dontchaknow).

Drunken Wench Rambler said...

oh well... you'll never get an "Out of Office" response from me, for you see, I always *forget* to set it up in the first place.

*pls read my New Year's resolution; should explain my scatty nature in full detail. But you already know that, right?

Anonymous said...

Oh come now, I know you far better than that. You can be organized if you put that mind o' yours to work. btw, gregor, eh? :) That just jumped into me head.