Monday, January 03, 2005

BwanaK Kame Round Yesterday...

Ok, dear readers, I am having "hair of da dog".... nearly 4 hours after I "came to" from my drunken state.... (I is well "fuckuared")

Why was I *pished* yesterday?

Well... my dear brov, BwanaK, came home yesterday. We hugged, I drunk all the booze he brought round, we exchanged Christmas presents, played "MaoMao" (a card game similar to UNO) with the "Bush Cards" I bought, we cried, we laughed, and I lent him a book on the history of Yakuzas that I had bought to research organised crime in Japan.

After that I fell over on my drunken (trim) arse.

But I'm happy that he's home tho, for he is the only brother that I have... Okaeri, Kaoru.

Okaeri. (welcome home)

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