Monday, January 10, 2005

"Whine" Cellars and New Jobs

Ok. So.

I'm in the process of moving my blog to a new "whine" cellar, right? (WIP, everyone, WIP.... Far too slow for earth and fire signs, (I know, sorry) and just the right pace, if not, *fast* for air and water signs. Don't ask me why? But I noticed that fire and earth sign people tend to tell me that my "action" is too slow, but air signs and -- in particular -- water signs tell me to take it easy, whatever, and "are you sure you want to do that?". BTW, I am an AIR sign. I *AM* SLOW for some of you. Deal with it. Will eventually get to whine cellar, don't stress. 'N, oh, why do I "categorise" people according to their star signs? Well, I will tell U later. Anyway....)

I am, avec "lump" on my pancreas, looking for a new job, coz my company got bought out in a "strategic alliance" (fuck off!!) with a Japanese PINK ELEPHANT .

It's like Falujiah at my company right now; I get more than 6 emails per day from strangers saying:" I am leaving the company at the end of the month, thank you for your support, I enjoyed working with you all..."

I don't know them, and I don't particularly care for that matter.

It's my arse that I'm worried about!!! What if I get this job that I am interviewing AND get it!? What am I going to do if I go for my helical CT, they biop' me, and the "lump" has to go coz it's baaaad! I'm going to have to turn down my offer, stay in Falujiah, and work for a pink elephant!


Ok, no more negative posts today. I promise.

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