Friday, September 22, 2006

Strange Crimes... Strange Products

I had a good laugh when I came across this site where inmates place an ad to find a penpal/onanistic toy. It's not the ads, nor is it the concept of people who are locked behind bars for the next decade or so looking for snail-mail lovers that did the trick. It's reading their faux pas that did it for me.

When you read crime descriptions (handed down to the inmates by the courts) like "theft by unlawful taking over $300", or "delivery of cocaine with a deadly weapon" it makes you wonder WHO THE FUCK comes up with sillyness like this! So if I stole $299.99 is it classified as lawful theft? If I delivered cocaine with my bicycle it's kosher? I thought that stealing anything is a crime, and in most places transporting coke without a legit license is certainly something that the DA would not approve of. For fuck's sake, it's not exactly delivering for Pizza Hut now, is it? ("Oh, but officer, I was only doing a summer job for a Crack House; I was working only for tips" is obviously not an excuse.) Just call it what it is: Theft; Drug Trafficking.

None of these irrelevant frills like "unlawful" or "deadly weapons". please! When was a crime "lawful", and when did weapons not have the potential to harm others? Even junked up copy-writers working in the orient do not come up with this crap.

Check out the "homosausage" sold in Japan! Honestly, this is not a bad joke -- homosausages are a well known brand of "fish" sausages. (Where do they find these copywriters!)

I also found some mucos pills... is there no end to this? (Oh well, they keep me amused on rainy days.)

Friday, September 15, 2006

New Found Freedom

I am trying to be a bit more difficult with the guy I am seeing these days. After only 2months of dating, I fucked off to Indonesia for 10weeks. I came back, and now I am expecting him to put more of his heart on the line (even though I have explicitly stated that I will be moving out of Japan soon... whenever that may be.) I told him that I would do the same too; I'm like that.

I will ask him out to the cinema tomorrow. If he refuses, I think I will throw a bit of a sulk. In the past I tried hard to not be a difficult person, but my new found freedom from excessive drinking habits makes it OK for me to act this way. Why? Go and ask the "12 Step Programers", they seem to herald and praise crazy actions and decisions -- so long as you are sober!

Sobriety rules!

(Keep coming back, DWR. Keep coming back...)

Honesty Hat: I have no idea why I wish to be difficult around this person. Maybe I