1) The Social "Rebels". The type who "Live for the moment", and can't be arsed to get a job.
2) The Anti-Socials. The nerdy type who just cannot relate to normal human beings, sit at home/in their rooms all day - surfing the web, etc., and can't be arsed to get a job.
3) The Procrastinators. The type that "think" about getting a job, "think" about writing that resume, but can't be arsed to get a job.
4) The "I'm too good for this job"ers. The type that get a job, think that they're too good for their position, quit after 3 days, and move on from one job to the other, to the other, and to another, but in the meantime have huuuuuuge breaks in between, coz they can't be arsed to get a job unless it pays them 10million yen per annum (US$100,000), gives them 50days annual paid holiday, and have to work only 3hours a day. From home. (for this type of NEETs I would suggest that they become French nationals, and work for their public sector.)
And Y can't/don't they want to get jobs? Well, Kobayashi reckons that 1) companies are not hiring due to the ailing economy, and 2) there is a misallignment between what the companies want, and what the NEETs want from the companies resulting in apathy by those that can potentially enter the job market.
Basically the both of them need to have a bit of a reality check, especially the NEETs who are not improving their skills, or even "selling" what skills they have to gain some more experience than in their static career as a seasoned parasite off their parents. (and most of them *do* reside with their parents! or friends with a semi-job)
The Ministry of Wealth, thru Labour and Healthcuts recently realised that their coffers that fund our pensions, healthcare, and other benefits to those that need it are really looking sick (um, is probably as sick as this planet is right now; just look at the weather reports, and you will see), and they need to do something about the unemployement rates, especially the 520,000 NEETs in the country today. Other labour campaigners put the estimate at nearly 680,000 of these career unemployed -- and in a country where the statistics bureau estimate that 20% of the 120million (approx) people will be over the age of 65years (with an average life expectancy of around 81.3), and that's excluding the 60 year olds, who will be claiming their hard earned pensions this year? And by 2050 nearly 35% of the population (including me) will be over 65? Do the maths. DWR not only has to pay rent and buy kitty-litter, but also she has to help financially support more than 20% of the population, while putting away money for a private nest egg coz they are going to be cutting pension handouts by the time I'm an old dear. A lot of people from my generation really would *need* the money if they remain childless or remain NEETs....
I don't think that I'm a Conservative person (or at least I hope not!). I am willing to pay high taxes to maintain a strong and healthy social security net for people who need assistance, like the wheelchair warriors. Yeah, sometimes people take time to get a new job, yeah, sometimes people need the money to get some vocational training, or education, to make themselves more attractive to the increasingly dog-eat-dog job market, but to just sit around surfing the net? Hanging around the streets with their mates, playing on the Slot Machines, scamming money off their already aging parents? "Thinking" about writing their resumes -- fuck! *I* will help you write your damned resumes! And to those that *think* they are too good for their jobs? Change the way you think. Every day -- shitty or not -- is an experience that you can take with you to the next job that will *pay* you for what you think you are worth, but even before that, strip yourself naked. Look at yourself in your birthday suit. Are you really that great? Are you really that perfect? Look at your good points, yes, but most of all look at your development needs, for we all have one. I have loads (and don't I know it!!), and so do you. So do you...
Be honest to yourself -- lie to others, fine, that's up to you, (not my issue) but to yourself? There's a word for people who lie to themselves like you: "faulse delusion". Pretend, pretend. And that doesn't hold up in a court of law. Welcome to "Always-Always Land" where reality, social issues, political issues, "issue issues", and taxes hit you hard. Real hard!
As I mentioned previously I don't mind paying my dues; I am happy to support the large number of old aged pensioners (if my high taxes don't support my current lifestyle I just get a better paying job, simple!), for there are people like my mother, my omonis, who worked hard to make me who I am, and to make this country what it is today (I know progress is in someways slow, but there has been a lot). But to ignore the hard work of the previous generations, to take advantages of the great big legal loop holes, to get "mum&dad" to look after you, and to sit around doing fuck all? I know of NEETs who are *older* than me, and have been NEETs for decades; they ask for "pocket money" from their aging parents so that they can surf the web for child pornography?!
We have a three tiered "state" pension scheme: 1) Kouseinenkin -- which is subsidised by your company, and the rest gets deducted from your paycheck. You are on this scheme if you are a fulltime employee working for a Pink Elephant, like me. 2) Kokuminenkin -- which you pay up if are selfemployed, or a temp, and 3) Gii-in nenkin -- an honourary "state" pension scheme that is so elitists that only people who are, or have served as, a member of parliament can get it. The amount paid by each of the "pensions" can differ; starting from 60,000yen/month (US$600) to 600,000yen/month (US$6000). Ok, so guess which pension scheme can get the max amount when you start claiming your giro? Yup. The Polititians' Pension Scheme. And do they pay significantly more into their pension fund compared to me?
Nah. (I told you criminals run my country, right?)
Sorry, I digress. So what about this half a million NEETs in my country that do fuck all (regardless of reason). Who supports their life right now? Where do they get their money from? Their 59 year old parents who still provide a roof over their heads. Next year the 59 year olds will be turning 60, asking for their pensions, payed out of my paycheque, which in turn goes to pay for the "lifestlye" of the NEETs...
They are not NEET at all!!!! If I have to reduce my monthly facials to biannual facials? WHOA!! *I* will peddle their lazy areses AND make sure they cough up. I used to love "Never Never Land" too, but now that I'm stuck in "Always Always Land" they better have to go thru the same shite that I go thru. If I have to go thru hell -- well, I'm dragging their NEET arses down with me!!
As for the Ministry of Wealth, thru Labour and Healthcuts? Get your thumb out of your arses, get an act thru parliament 1) to remove your three tiered "pension" structure, make it all fair and square for everyone 2) come up with an action plan to align the NEETs skills and the company's expectations for people who have been NEETs for ages. If you do something about those lazy feckers, all goes smothly, and the NEETs become Suits? ONLY THEN will I have babies. SIX babies to support the next generation!! SIX BABIES!!!! One pensioner => Six future tax payers!
Is that a done deal or what? How about that -- I'll be creating 6 new tax payers for one pension recepient... that's not a bad trade off, right?
Um, Wench ... you were told how babies are made, right? Last I knew, it was kinda required to have a guy in your life (or at least a sperm donor). As for six kids, you also realize that that fine form you've so carefully molded will be covered in stretch marks, too? At least you'll have the cutest li'l ones if you go that route (if they take after you, anyway). Smiles to the stark raving wench! :)
Sperm bank, Hyperovulation - induced of course (ouch!), IVF, Surragate Mothers, and Money. This is how I have my 6 babies. Good idea, huh?
I will chose carefully the sperm doners, for I want to have six, hardy babies that are not likely to devlop "lumps" later on in life. Don't want them to be a burden on the healthcare system. I want a good, hardy variety of Six Taxpayers.
Ahh, the wonders of modern medicine...
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