Monday, January 10, 2005

Living, Trying Things, And Living Some More

Once upon a time, there was a young lady called the Drunken Wench Rambler. She was a lovely young lass, who loved to cheer her boyfriends, her Fuck Buddies, her friends, and anyone else in between (and without). She loved to try anything, and everything, just to keep them happy and smiling, because the world that she saw was not as pleasant as she wished it to be. Peace was a priceless commodity for her. She really thought so... really, honest, with sugar on top.

So, what has the DWR tried (including things that she hates, e.g. bend over and ask how much *sand* the "client" wanted in the vaseline (with a smile)? All for the sake of love? Um, her job?) "Happy Happy, Joy Joy" Let's have a look:

  • Reverse bungeee (hated it!!!!. don't even want 2 *think* about doing dat again. Not even da right way round!!!)
  • Snowboarding (hate. I prefer going *UP* mountains, not sliding/falling on my arse down them.)
  • Trekking (absolutely, fucking love!! Climb+Mountain= Gooood! But Slide+Mountain= Baaaaad.)
  • Bouldering/free climbing (both hate&love -- will X-plain L8R)
  • Wakeboarding (love!!! watersports done in a *warm* location!!! (hate cold). This is the only boardin' "dat be do-able" according to DWR.)
  • Yoga (my life, my love, my YoooooooGaaaaaaaah!!)
  • Windsurfing (totally neutral. wish had more "lessons". Fell over, never got my sail up, was totally crap.)
  • Scuba diving ("I am a *fish*, and a *fish I am." damn it! I *B* is a phiche!! Yes, I am a dive junkie.)
  • Go-Carting (LOVE. So damn ironic, coz I don't even HAVE a driver's license!! Priceless!! teehee)
  • Going to Spa's (there is no such thing as too much pampering at da spa!!)
  • Eating "Benji's sandwiches" (located near the Aldwich, London) while I cut up dead people's heads (neutral-but closer to like. More a necessity especially when hungry. I used to get told off by my "tutors" at college for eating sandwichs during my neuroanatomy classes. Several times actually.... WHY?? What's wrong with eating while I slice the pons medulla? Hey, I did *well* in my neuroanatomy class, damn it! I've been a suit now for yonks, and I can still identify the thalamus and the substantia nigra -- give me a sample, a microscope, and a sandwich. I'll *do* it!!
  • Trail-running (love. none other!!!! join me!!!!! let's run together!!!)
  • "War Games" -- (OK, only if warm. If cold and rainy, sucks.)
  • Reading Manga (Maaaannnngaaaaaaaaaa. DWR is *addicted* to japanese animation from age 4. I own over 1000 manga comics. My friends come to my house just to read my comics!! "3x3eyes", "CHA-I-RUDO" "Perfect Blue", "Urotsuki-doji", "Inuyasha""Kochiikame". DWR, owns the full-series--serious!! I probably own some classics -- antiques even!!) . Galaxy Express 999 also a true classic; anything by Osamu Tetsuga, also in my collection. Come to my "library", and you shall C!!!
  • Rafting (neutral. OK, I suppose. Depends on who you go with.)
  • One-night stands: booooorrrriiiiiing. (yawn!)
  • Fall in love. (been there, done that, and got the scars to prove it! shit, I should design T-shirts! Oh, I may have a new vocation!)

Actually, there are countless more. I wish I could list all of them, but hey, I don't think there is enuf space in the *server* to keep all that shite. You know why? My brain is *actually* a lot bigger than the damned server!!!

Mind boggling, huh? Ok, so my brain is 1.35kgs (approx), and it can store more information and have more crap/goodstuff in it than's resident server.

(Umm... DWR, you just revealed to everyone that you are, um, a geek. Do you realise that?)


1 comment:

Ouija27 said...

No snowbaording huh? Sad, oh well, you do sound like you would be down for Morton's List. Really DWR, come play with The Horde, we will have a good old time.