Friday, December 31, 2004

My Crazy Neighbour.... Oops Relative

Ok, having crazy neighbours is one thing, but having crazy relatives??? I think this beats it, Summer, don't you?


Vicious Summer said...

After reading this post, I serious sat here for a while and wondered..."How the hell does the Drunken Wench know about my crazy family?! I don't remember blogging about anything incriminating...". But after pondering it for a while and realizing that only *I* know how crazy my family is, I figured that DW must have been visiting my holiday gatherings in spirit. Because, DAMN are my relatives losing it...

Drunken Wench Rambler said...

Summer, I have a crystal ball, and I am watching your family shinanigans just like a "lower income family" in a developed country (i.e.trash) watches Murdock TV for hours on end, just as I write....


Luckily my family is quite nuclear (very non-50s): me, my mum, and Kaoru (my brov who is in Sri Lanka right now)

I'm usually not a round, nor is Kaoru, during Christmas so we don't get to have some interesting "conversations".

OK, so enjoy Ur family -- online or not, and a happy new year!!!

(right, am off in search of more "funniness" online!!)

Drunken Wench Rambler said...

shit!!! I re-read the article.... that be my family!! fuck! I B screwed -- my aunt is an oriental "double" in dat pickie... fuk.. am skrewed.. I share DNA with these people!!!

where is that noose now.....

Drunken Wench Rambler said...
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