The first set of results that I received were from my fitness test that I took yesterday. Get this, readers: out of the 155 people the same age as me (regardless of gender) that took the same tests this year I hold the #1 record for abdominal strength and balance!!!
I remember the balance test very vividly -- they made me stand on one leg with my eyes closed. I stood there for over 3 minutes until they told me "OK, you are done now". I remember during this exersise I was chanting with Nutts in my head "I am a tree, I stand tall. I am a tree, I stand tall..." (Ok, I sound a bit whacko, but it worked, didn't it?) Must admit with the balancing test I had Nutts with me all the way; it was not my fitness, or my Yoga classes that did it. I think it was the power of my mind as I chanted my personal mantra.... strange things do happen, I suppose.
Anyway, as promised here are the rest of the preliminary results:
- Aerobic X-ersise: 16th
- Grip strength: 20th (not bad for a woman)
- Reaction time:11th
- Flexibility 4th (need to do more Yoga!)
Considering that we are already in December, I may actually hold my record!! Wow! Not bad for an alcoholic in making!!
I think I will frame my results and post it so you can see.... The rest? To hell with the rest! I'm a mirror of perfect health! I've been abusing my body for years, but the 6 months of attempted detox and my anal routine of "healthy lifestyle" has maintained my health to the level that it is!!
I think I will drink a glass of Volvic to that -- Cheerz!
(Post script: I will be receiving the full results of the FFM in 3 weeks time. I already received the results of my blood test, and for some strange reason it didn't show any signs of poor health from alcohol abuse.... I'm thinking that they either got the results from someone else's blood, or I really *am* not that unhealthy after all! Need to look after my body and maintain a healthier lifestyle so that I can live out my old age doing fun things like diving, travelling, trekking, and yoga without having to be hooked up to an oxygen machine, or something....)
DWR, good job on the test results! I am very impressed at your scores. Your one of the top Ninjas in that sample of 165 people - mixed gender. And the fact that it is a group of mixed gender, makes it even that much cooler. Just think, you seem to be stronger than most men. That is awesome!
And what does that octogon mean. There seems to be a line around the majority of it, but not all the way around. What does that mean?
Did they give you a drug test during this examination, or is that not of much concern to the company?
nah, the hexagon is one of those funky graphs that exhibit a rating (1-5) on each of the 6 items that I was tested on. Out of the 6, I scored a perfect 5 on 3, a 4 on 2, and a 3 on one. Just another way of classifying me using numbers.
Which brings me onto another topic that I have been researching: reducing life to a bunch of numbers... will keep you posted on progress.
(sooo much to write, not enuf time...)
You might be interested in something similar. Called a spider or radar diagram, you chart metrics for any number of axes on the radial lines. If the metrics are of similar value, you can then the value of the enclosed area to approximate a relative value with which to compare 'worth'. Meaning that you can determine what comparable 'worth' reducing one metric has relative to the amount that the others increase the total enclosed area. Okay, boring, but useful. :)
C, you have too much time on your hands.... and that's coming from me, the drunken wench!!! (that's saying something...)
But thank you for the info on the different analysis methods. I am a mere blank face in a suit who studied number crunching so that pharmaceutical companies can get their junk to market.
Dear, readers, use this information from the anonymous one to challenge the system.
:) thx, C. an eye opener for the DWR
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