Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Today is One of Those Shitty Days

Actually, it's been one of those shitty weeks. It's holiday season, pleople are taking long holidays with their loved ones and guess what? My company got bought out by the Hardware Giant, NEC, my friends are leaving the company as if we are in the middle of Falujia, and I am stuck with the flu. Some-kind of flu.

(I hope it's not that birdflu epidemic, or even SARS they had in HK while I was there!!)

In short I feel like shit.

I went to the doctors explaining to him that I cannot be prescribed anti-imflammatory drugs, for it triggers asthma in me: Oh no, I know what I am doing, let me give you some of these. (I also kindly point out that I am lactose intolerate on my records, sure, sure.)

Buy the time I dragged my chicken flu butt to the pharmacist, gave them my presciption, the head pharmacist comes back with a serious face: um, have you been prescribed these beofore?
No. Umm... What did your doctor tell you? Um...That is was OK.... Well these contain lactose as part of the ingredients, so I'm going to call the doctor, OK?

You bet! You are going to call that Charletan on my behalf!!!!!! What was he thinking giving me "mighty laxatives" I'll be on the LOO wheezing all day if I took his crap!!

Sometimes it's good to get a second opinion....


Buzzy Coltrane said...

Avian Flu scares me like you wouldn't believe!

It's a good thing the pharmacist is on top of things and you didn't take that medicine.

I've always wanted to visit Japan. Where are you originally from?

Drunken Wench Rambler said...

oh.... difficult to answer. My mother is from Japan, my father is from Tanzina (not tasmiania) but I gre up in englane, or my father was in the f0reign servic.... O, I can send you my most recent mpg. of me when I get one... just till my bird flu is over!! Happy X-mas!

Ouija27 said...

Ohh very cool DWR... I will look forward to it, and do hope your getting better. I do think you and the cats should take up Morton's List since you have the chance. ojoj

Take care of your self DWR.

Drunken Wench Rambler said...

OK, in order to dispense my origins I shall put my full resume in my profile (apart from the fact that I am drunk... Please read if you have the time....

quite boring to me, but there you go...

Ouija27 said...

Really, in your profile? I do not see it DWR, can you direct us better? Or maybe it is not up yet? Umm and as for me becoming a fish, no I do not think so, I like the snow, and the boarding that comes with it! Soon I will be off for tonights adventure on some hill nearby. Oh how very exciting it will be...

Anonymous said...

What!? You mean that really isn't you in the pic? You had a stand in so that we would think that you're really a Ozeki One Cup sake? How sad? You know that you're fame is based on the fact that not only are a a talking One Cup sake, but a blogging one as well... What ever is this world coming to? :)

Drunken Wench Rambler said...

ok, picture file too large (600k) for my profile, plus I can't be bothered to fix it to less than 1/10 it's current site... so I will post that bitch! Damn it!

Anonymous said...

DWR, what the fuck are you on about! Get off your soap box NOW, you stupid bitch!!! Post your picture on-line!! what the hell are you talking about!!! You have a job interview on the 29th, and what if the CIO who is interviewing you *SEES* this blog and your drunken identity will be revealed!!! Who'd hire a drunken wench, even tho they are wearing an expensive suit!

DO NOT POST YOUR FACE. Just leave the One Cup Ozeki Sake picture, and add text to your profile.

Jeez, why do I have to look after you, you stupid wench. Shut up, and go and have another drink, you alcho bitch!

(sorry everyone. pls excuse my mentally challenged friend. She has a bit of a temperature, and is not thinking straight...)
