Saturday, February 05, 2005

Is There A Doctor In The House?

I do not know what has happened to me lately. I have lost my appetite, I cannot concentrate, my stomach feels funny, and there is something not right about me. I am not seeing things straight anymore, I have started to only look at my surroundings. I could not tell you if it was sunny, or it rained yesterday, or what day of the week I went to see my head doctor. I can't remember if it's the pink pills, or the white pills, I am supposed to take in the morning, and I wouldn't be able to tell you which ones are my longer acting benzodiazepines, for my memory seems to be extremely selective over the past few weeks, and it’s getting worse day by day

Conversations seem like snapshots that you took and can't remember why you took them in the first place? They hold no meaning.

I have heart palpitations, sudden flushes even! The other day the facial muscles around the mandibles were contracting on their own; I found my self being stared at so I lowered my head so my gaze was down at the book, hoping that no one saw me. It’s ok, it's only this funny book that I am reading that’s making me smile.

I gaze out of the window and let time pass; let 13hrs pass in hope that in that time there is a cure for my ailments.

Is there a doctor in the house? I think I’m lovesick...

1 comment:

Vicious Summer said...

OMG! I think you caught that from me (or vice versa?)! In exchange for lovesickness, I gave my cutie a cold on our 1st date. That will serve Cutie right for making out with vicious naughty girls on the 1st date...Mmmmm, Cutie...Damn this silly grin!!! =)