Thursday, May 26, 2005

Confucius Dinner Meetings

Confucius say:"The people may be made to follow a path of action, but they may not be made to understand it."


Does that mean that I have to blame "men" kind on behalf of the likes of Sunshine??? Do I have to blame testosterone for the fact that men openly (encouragingly) cheat on their wives and their loved ones? Do I have to blame society for it's apathy towards the treatment of minority groups -- whether it is women, or disabled people? If I had a child that committed a crime against humanity, am I supposed to blame the "environment" or "genetic factors" for what it did?

Fuck that, Confucius! I need another drink...

(yup, it is going to be a long while before I tell you about me and Nick, coz I need to vent BIG TIME about what is going on in my life in general!!! Grrr, and yes, I need another drink.)

Yup. Dinner with my team-mates didn't go as smootly as I had hoped it would...(go figure, this was posted at 2:48am!!!)


Anonymous said...

Gotta love a few drinks!!! I know I do from time to time, with that time being as frequent as possible!

dieselheffa said...

Gotta love a few drinks!!! I know I do from time to time, with that time being as frequent as possible!

Sorry about the double post, I had one too many drinks today :)

Drunken Wench Rambler said...

no probs, mate! I am equally drunk (as usual) and am off to read people's comments.

did you read my article about sunshine giving me a communal hug??


Only perception and sense will tell...