Sunday, May 22, 2005

No More Perverts, Please!

From May 9th my commuter line started running "Women Only" carriages during rush hour in the mornings on weekdays. It is the third private railway company in Tokyo to reserve carriages for women in the mornings after a large number of reported sexual assult cases on their trains. Tokyo is a hub of perverts who take pictures of women's underwear using cameras on their phones, who grope women's bodies, and who openly engage in onanism and "leave their mark" on our garments. I, too, have been a victim of these perves, but unfortunately it is difficult to pinpoint the culprit, for the train is just too crowded to even turn our heads.

The other day I decided to take the "women only" carriage, only to find it just as crowded, if not more, than the other carriages. I guess that there are many women who are just fed up being treated as a "sexual toy" by strangers who can't control their testicular urges. I must admit that even tho' it was packed on the train, I felt safe being in a feminine environment with my fellow sisters.

Unfortunately the "Women Only" carriage becomes a "unisex" carriage as soon as the clock strikes 9:30am, at which time the dirty scroundrels rush onto our oestrogen-train, sniffing our perfumes and pheromones, their minds off to the set of an amateur porn shoot where they are the leading men, and we their slaves.

Dirty little feckers!

I thought that we could be immune from these horney dawgs, but no. Make a carriage only for women, and all they do is try to infiltrate it. Well, we are not going have any more of your stupid antics; we are going to come in and bust your balls coz we are fed up with having cum stains on our skirts when we get to the office. We are fed up of the underground pornography that depicts our underwear that you filmed without our permission, and we are going to push for the railway companies to run Women Only carriages ALL DAY!!!

We've had enuf: "No More Perverts, Please!"


McFox said...

Ewww! That's gross! Is this for real or are you just bullshitting?

Drunken Wench Rambler said...

I wish I was...

McFox said...


Start a campaign for women, if it's possible, that is; to turn the technology against the perves. Take a picture of anyone spotted tugging their chain and get a site going on the internet for the purposes of public shaming.

McFox said...

Fuckin' eewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Just in case I didn't make myself clear. Man, that is so gross. The mental imagery is bad enough never mind cleaning up the mess. Fer feck sake! Did I say, Ew!?!?

Nothing like a little private oanism for a bit of tension relief but in the fuckin train? Against someone's leg? Like a fuckin dog or something? EWW!

Sorry for my language. I don't usually swear.

I thought I was unshockable after several years on the internet and my own life experiences but kudos to you, Drunken Wench; I am shocked.

Drunken Wench Rambler said...

Yeah, I am sorry about the graphic discription, but um... what can I say? Cum stains on your skirt is an everyday occurance which should be erradicated.

We even have "theme bars" where the bar's interior is made up like the inside of a train carriage(handles included), the bar maids/hostesses dress up like school girls/college students, and the customers can go up and grope these women...

Just for fun. (Go figure!!)

Japan is full of sexist, perverts. I know, I work for one...

Which brings me onto the next post: Sun Tan

Drunken Wench Rambler said...
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