Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Out Of Blogg Reply Do Not Disturb -- Yet... I have an RFI For Serious Readers

It has now been over a week since I came back from my holiday in Thailand, but my mind is still in holiday mode. WTF?! I am quitting my job, and now I find out that my big-boss is also leaving the company so no one is doing anything much in the office this month. Does that give me an excuse to be unmotivated? Hell yeah! If someone told you, "listen, I want you to sit in the office for the next 2 or 3 weeks, min. 30mins/day in the office, and we will make sure we pay you your full pay cheque" would you put in more than 31 hours per day? And how productive do you think you would be?

Today I was helping out a colleague who was consulting a company that makes crisps/potato chips. The fellow consultant was unsure about how they managed to pack crisps without it breaking up during transport. Surely they must be crushed, and who checks the quality, DWR??

A: Nitrogen Flushing

These words I use casually coz I know that in any bag of crisps/chips there is either a combination of only nitrogen and/or CO2 to eliminate oxidation of the contents. But how? How do the food processing/packaging companies put only nitrogen in the bags? OK so it's probably fully automated, but from which process onwards, and who the fuck checks the quality of the out put i.e. are we sure it's only Nitrogen in there???

Many questions, but not enuf answers.... if anyone is familiar with the food preservative/packing process, please enlighten me before I lose anymore sleep!
With great appreciation, DWR

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