Thursday, March 17, 2005

Ecowarriors In A Suit

As an ardent tree-hugger in a suit and with a penchant for fuck-off infrastructure, I have always admired organised liberal ecowarriors who make SENSE. I was just doing some research when I came upon this site:


Yup, I'm a softy in someways but I like to find a place to vent out on anything from food processing to Microsoft products. I think that I have found the next Onion and the Viz for my resources and outlets. (Ok, the Viz is just sooo unserious/sarcastic/ironic that I should not even consider it, but nonetheless up there as one of my favourite comics along with Lobo.)

Let's see if I can dig up a few articles and "FRAAGGG 'em" as dear Lobo would say; may his soul rest in peace.

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