Saturday, February 25, 2006

Blast From The Past

I was looking back at my new year's resolution from 2005 only to realise that I kept 10 out of the 19 promises that I made to myself. WOW! That's over 50%!!!


Now I could be a sweet person and let you know which ones I kept, but I will just be me and leave it to your imagination as to what I did and didn't manage to do last year.

Ok, it's a bit too late for a "New Years Resolution" but might as well make them, just so that I can break them, I guess...

  1. Bitch less. Yes, I *am* aware that I complain a lot, but when I am pissed off I always feel that I have a justification, which is probably not a good sign.
  2. Spend less. It sounds strange coming from someone who hates shopping, but I did buy that really expensive persian rug last year...
  3. Work harder(?). Umm... yes, I do slack off at times. I just don't mention it here.
  4. Stay away from trouble. (Not that I got into trouble last year, or the year before, and the year before that, I guess.)
  5. Call the Wenchmum at least once a week. And I promise not to make a reverse charge call to her.
  6. Take less benzodiazepines. I shouldn't really be tripping on diazepam at the office when things are slow, right?
  7. Eat more healthily. Sustaining on bread, soup, cereal bars, and fruit juices is probably not too good for my skin.
  8. Exersise as much as I did the year before last. I haven't done any excersise since Oct. 2005, which is probably not good for my metabolism.
  9. Sort out my library. (That's just given you a hint about what I didn't do last year.)
  10. Write more. I guess I didn't write much last year on this blog, huh? I've got far too many blogs going all over the place at various sites; I'm so scattered and inconsistent that I really need to just focus on a few things and stick to it, I guess. So I will probably pull the plug on a few over the course of a few days, weeks, or months.

So I guess that's it. We'll see how many I can keep this year -- if I can do 6, that's an improvement from last year, and I think I will be happy with that. See! I'm not bitching already! But there again, I have to wait till Dec. 31st before I can say that I bitched less this year, I s'pose...

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