Thursday, September 15, 2005

From Speed Dating To Building Shelves

I just realised that my life is extremely unstable, and very dynamic. Not long ago I was extremely single and looking to go on something as out of character as Speed Dating, and next thing I know I have handed the spare keys to a man who spends nearly half of the week at my place.


One of the things about working long hours and being a workaholic (along with having other "-holic" traits) is that even if you are working in the same office as the man you are dating/seeing you just never have the time to see them. Even if you are working on the SAME FLOOR... well, you just don't see them. Today was the first time this month that I saw "R" at the office.

And yes, he does work on the same floor as me.

Anyway, I was wondering how things progress in life considering that R and I have become close over the past few weeks. Failed speed date => date that went well => Dating (in general) => spending nearly 3 or 4 days a week together =>...

Spare Keys.

That's the thing isn't it? When you give the spare keys to your home to someone, it seems to show that you are involved with them on a more permanent basis. I used to get Nick's spare keys at times and wonder "hang on, I know him only Xmonths, but he trusts me with his keys...."

I wonder how Nick is these days....

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